Haida GS
2006 American Trakehner Association Ferrari GS / Heling / Amiego *Ps*E*
Haida GS Ferrari GS / Heling / Amiego *Ps*E*
Registered: American Trakehner Association
Approved: CSHA
Colour: Dark Bay
DOB: May 9th, 2006
Adrenalin Rush PF
2015 — Aloha x Haida GS (Ferrari GS/Heling/Amiego)
Adrenalin Rush PF is a 2015 dark bay/black colt by Aloha out of Haida GS (Ferrari GS/Heling/Amiego). He is the full sibling of 2014′s Autobahn.SOLD
– Congrats to JD and Jenn Adams of Russell, Ontario on the Purchase of Adrenalin Rush.
Pikturesque Farm
1545 Rideau Ferry Rd
Perth, Ontario
K7H 3C7
Phone: 613-812-3172
Email: pikturesquefarm@gmail.com